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PAR Stories

PAR stands for “People Advancing Reintegration”. In 2015 a group of people inside SCI Graterford (prison), mainly men serving life sentences, created a program inside to help support smooth reintegration for those who soon would be released back to their families and communities.

PAR-inside collaborated with a group of like minded volunteers on the outside, concluding that the greatest obstacle to smooth reintegration, for people with a felony conviction, is finding employment.

In 2016 PAR-outside volunteers created PAR Recycle Works, as a nonprofit electronics recycling business to directly provide transitional jobs, exclusively to justice-impacted people, at a pay scale far in excess of minimum wage. PAR Recycle Works still serves this exact same mission today.

PAR is committed to protecting our human and environmental resources for the betterment of our communities. By supporting the reintegration journey of justice-impacted people, our communities become stronger and more productive. PAR’s people are talented, resilient and are excited about the value they develop in themselves and their futures. PAR graduates add a valuable, untapped human resource for local employers, and hope to participate in the pathways of progress each person creates.



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Andre Davis

“Eight years after the founding of PAR-Inside, my sentence was commuted, and PAR Recycle Works offered me the opportunity to work within what was once a dream I had for others. There are just not enough words to encapsulate my feelings toward PAR.” 

Andre Davis, PAR-Inside Founding Member
PAR-Recycle Works Reenty Navigator
Theresa Watts

PAR Recycle Works gave me the skills and encouragement I needed to apply for and eventually obtain a permanent position elsewhere.  While I no longer work for PAR, I know that I can still rely on the community for support, and I can also provide mentorship to others who might need it.” 

Theresa Watts, PAR Program Graduate
Kurt Braxton

“PAR gave me structure, guidance, and friendship. PAR created a beautiful platform every week where we sat down and discussed life, goals, and our future.  PAR is an extended family for me and others. PAR helped me prepare for society and the working field. For returning citizens coming home without any support on the outside, PAR is instrumental.” 

Kurt Braxton, PAR Program Graduate
Bill Allen

“Being promoted to a leadership position to mentor the other employees means a lot to me because I want them to know that we are in this together. I want to help change their perspective and not feel alone as they re-join the outside world.  I want them to love those around them and be in the best position to succeed.”

Bill Allen, PAR Program Graduate
WSFS logo

“At WSFS, we are very impressed with PAR’s work to employ formerly incarcerated men and women. It has been my pleasure to get to know the transitional employees on a personal basis during the time I am educating them on financial literacy. I have seen firsthand their recycling operation and wholeheartedly support PAR’s mission.”


Robert Juliano
Vice President
Director, Corporate Giving & Financial Literacy
Brandywine Realty logo

“Doing business with PAR is a no-brainer because they have proven results. Wherever we can, we let others know about PAR’s services because we truly believe in PAR and its mission.”


Don Haas, Supply partner
Haverford Township logo

“We are happy to help PAR with its mission to provide transitional employment to those re-entering the workforce.  PAR employees working now as our Township employees have been very professional, helping us with our mission to provide municipal services to our residents.”


 Aimee Cuthbertson
Finance Manager /
Assistant Township