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RIOS Certified Recycler logo
R2 logo
Confident PAR-Recycling Works employee

Donate your old computer and change someone’s life.

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RIOS Certified Recycler logo
R2 logo

PAR-Recycle Works is a non-profit electronics recycler providing transitional employment, job skill training and permanent job placement to people returning from prison.

Your old, retired, end of life electronics are the life-blood of PAR-Recycle Works, so please donate them today. The more e-waste PAR receives, the more people it puts to work – immediately!

As an employment social enterprise, PAR-Recycle Works puts people to work. It earns revenue by responsibly recycling discarded, end-of-life electronics for its Supply Partners. By employing  justice-impacted people, returning home from incarceration, PAR strengthens environmentally sustainable communities and families to which our employees are returning.

Par-recycling Works employee
PAR-recycling works team

PAR-Recycle Works fights for social and environmental justice.

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E-waste or electronic waste is a massive challenge for the nation’s solid e-waste crisis: E-waste is the fastest growing segment of our waste stream in the U.S. * PAR is the only non-profit electronics recycler with an R2 / RIOS certification in Pennsylvania!  PAR assures clients that their e-waste is recycled in an environmentally responsible way, protecting health & safety and guarding data security, helping its clients accomplish risk management, and environmental and social goals – all at the same time.

* Helping Manage Electronic Waste, US EPA, June 1, 2021
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PAR-Recycle Works has taken on the mission of lowering recidivism, exclusively among previously incarcerated individuals, by focusing on immediate economic opportunity through jobs, job training and permanent job placement. By training and employing justice impacted people, PAR strengthens sustainable communities and families to which its Program Participants are returning.

Community Impact

Community Recycling Events – PAR hosts large-scale community e-waste recycling events throughout the Philadelphia area with numerous townships, neighborhood associations, schools, and institutions since 2016. In 2023, PAR hosted 47 community events where people donated their personal e-waste to PAR.

Supply Partners – PAR serves the electronics recycling needs of over 250 Philadelphia area businesses, institutions and government agencies by collecting and recycling end-of-life electronics.

Workforce Development Job Partnerships – Since PAR‘s program participants have work experience and training in transferable job skills, PAR collaborates with area employers to place it’s graduates in full-time jobs with them.

Reentry Community Referral Partners – PAR constantly collaborates with community organizations to fill PAR’s feeder pipeline with new Program Participants. This network of organizations supports the reentry journeys of returning citizens from prison into PAR’s program as a bridge to full-time, permanent employment.

Individual Drop-offs or Pick-ups PAR welcomes your direct personal donations of end-of-life electronics. PAR will provide a tax receipt for your in-kind donations.

recycle event

PAR By The Numbers

As of 2024

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2 Million+

Pounds of eWaste recycled since we started in 2016

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Individuals employed in green jobs

Lower Recidivism icon


Recidivism (90% less than the national rate)

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Area organizations working with us as Supply Partners

PAR Graduates icon


PAR graduates placed in jobs

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PAR Employee training hours

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Community Recycling Events each year

PAR’s Services

PAR-Recycle Works exclusively serves justice-impacted people returning home from prison and has two operating parts: 1- PAR operates an e-waste recycling business which serves environmental sustainability goals and gives its Program Participants transitional “green jobs” and immediate income. 2 – PAR operates a job skills training & permanent job placement program.

E-Waste Recycling Services


R2 logo
RIOS Certified Recycler logo

R2 stands for Responsible Recycling and is an international standard specifically created for the electronics recycling industry by Sustainable Electronics Recycling International (SERI).

RIOSTM stands for recycling industry standard and it is an integrated quality, environmental, health and safety management system.

By adopting rigorous R2 / RIOS certification standards, PAR assures clients that their e-waste  materials are managed in an environmentally responsible way, protecting health & safety and data security. R2/ RIOS certifications ensure a consistent standard of quality care, security and documentation of each unit PAR recycles, helping its clients accomplish important social and environmental goals.

Par-recycling Works employee
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PAR-Recycle Works employee

Workforce Development Services

Job Training & Placement for Justice-Impacted People

PAR’s mission is to maximize the number of people PAR serves with transitional jobs, job skills training, and permanent job placement.

PAR-Recycle Works believes that one of the best crime deterrents is having a job. Recidivism rates of PAR’s graduates is just 5%, which is 95% lower than the national three-year average recidivism rate.

PAR gives Program Participants an immediate job as a Recycling Technician in its electronics recycling business. Over a period of four to six months, PAR’s Program provides workforce development training and assistance with placement in a permanent, full-time job upon graduation.

Items We Accept

We accept a broad range of old, retired, end-of-life electronics, metals and batteries. Please review our complete list.

PAR-Recycle Works team